Wednesday, June 24, 2009

2 Weeks and 2 Days

It's hard to believe our little girl is already 2 weeks old. Thank goodness, otherwise I would be writing about how uncomfortable it is to be pregnant. Her due date was to be this Saturday. Now we get to share pics of our beautiful little girl. : )

Evelyn has adjusted well so far. She enjoys kissing and holding Maeve.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

More Pictures

More pics of our two girls. Sorry too tired to write a long post. Maeve has her days and nights confused.

Oh, some of you have asked how her name is pronounced, it rhymes with Dave. Some of you might request it's use in a sentence.

"Maeve, save Dave from inside the cave!" Hope this helps. : )

Evelyn trying out the baby swing

Nana holding her new granddaughter

Painting cookies with Gigi

Eating most of the icing

She finally likes wearing sunglasses

Maeve sleeping

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

More of Day 2

Evelyn came up to visit this evening and was a little more interested in Maeve. She actually wanted to hold her. She was the little more excited about the baby doll we gave her today.

Special thanks to Bobbi for watching Evelyn these past two days while I've been in the hospital. There is not much that entertains her up here except for pushing all the buttons on the beds.

Deciding if she likes Maeve or not

Giving her kisses

I think she likes her.

Maeve, Day 2

Things are going well for Stacy and Maeve and we plan on going home tomorrow morning. I've posted 4 more photos from today. Enjoy, we look forward to introducing you all to Maeve in person.

Stacy and Gabe

Just for fun at the end of this post I'm putting pic of Evelyn after birth so you can see how they compare.


Monday, June 8, 2009

Maeve Elizabeth Neal

A funny thing happened today on the way to lunch. Stacy had a doctor visit and then we had a baby. What!? Yeah, Totally. Stacy had a hair cut planned and a pedicure and all kinds of last minute prep "to dos" this week before the baby came...

Stacy's family physician, Anna, found her to be 5 cm dilated during her visit and so Stacy was sent over the hospital, got her epidural (which she missed last time) and delivered a few hours later. No probs. From my perspective easy as pie. All the women out there can began hurling objects at me now.

A few pics from our day, more to come. We love you all. Thanks be to God for a wonderful delivery, amazing wife and beautiful new daughter who is safe and well.

Stacy laboring with an epidural. Notice the smile.

Stacy with newborn Maeve

Happy Momma

Happy Parents

Us with Anna Damian, Stacy's Family Doc.

Maeve suggesting that she might be hungry

Maeve strongly suggesting that she might be hungry. And by "might" she means definitely.

Maeve content

Maeve alert, taking it in.

Evelyn giving Maeve a kiss. The first of a lifetime of sisterhood.

The New Neals

Proud Pappa