I was looking back at my last post and noticed it has been some time since we updated. Today I actually have a free moment so I thought I would do just that.
Evelyn turned 3 on Sept 19th which we celebrated for about 3 weeks. We had several different parties with friends and family so it extended the birthday celebration for some time. I don't think she minded. (pictures of her party to come soon.) We also recently cut her hair. I didn't really want to get rid of the cute little curls at the end but it was becoming a battle every day to brush them. For weeks I kept telling her that if we cut her hair it would be easier to brush, and one day out of the blue she asked me to cut it. Getting ready has been much easier.

Maeve gave us quite a scare recently. For a week she had an awful cough and terrible wheezing. After several trips to the doctor with everything looking good we just didn't know what was going on. I do believe it was the Lord that brought back to my memory a carrot, choking incident. In light of that, the doctors thought there might be something down there making her wheeze. Last Tuesday she went into the hospital for a bronchoscopy and came out with a small piece of carrot. Before all of you think I am an awful parent, she picked up the carrot from her older sister and when I heard her choking on it I immediately checked her out and she seemed fine. It wasn't until later that she started wheezing and we thought she was just showing signs of being sick. She has recovered well and we are praising God that there was a doctor here in town that could do the procedure as soon as he did.
I couldn't get a good picture, but you can see a piece of orange carrot at the top of the picture, inside the jar. It looks small but anything thing inside your airway, besides air, is just too big.

Not eating raw carrots until she has molars

Gabe has been preparing for a triathlon which with take place this weekend. This is his first one and his goal right now is to finish the race. The kids and I will be there to cheer him on and take pictures. : )
Well I think that is all for now. I'm doing my usual thing, cooking, taking care of the house and kids, sewing and reading when I have a chance.
Trying on Mommies shoes.

Maeve liked the black ones better.