Thursday, July 11, 2013

A Little Fun in the Sun

We are slowly getting settled in, but I wanted to share a few pictures from this week.  Gabe celebrated his 37th birthday on the 9th. It started out as a bit of a stressful day as Evelyn was sick with an eye infection and needed to be taken to a doctor.  But ended with a chocolate cake and a banner that the girls made for Dad.

Temperatures have been around 122+ F and too hot to do anything outside.  One of the local hotels has a wonderful recreational facility with several pools that can be used all year round.  We signed the family up for a membership and have been enjoying our own oasis in the desert!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

The girls waiting to go down the slide.

They are worn out after a few hours of sliding and swimming. 
We might come here everyday!

As a follow up with Evelyn, she is doing much better and her eye is finally healing.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful...glad you found a place to play & cool off some. Happy B-day to Gabe. PTL that Evelyn is doing better. Tell your Mom "hi". Thanks for the pictures. Love yall & thinking of you. Aunt Sue

Meg McLawhon said...

Looks like fun!!! Don't get your hopes up, but Ryan has started the process of being able to come visit in November. :) May not work out as the neighboring country has some travel restrictions he will need to follow but the comversation has been started! Miss y'all!!!! I super wanna go down that slide but don't know if I can handle 122 PLUS!!