Tuesday, August 5, 2008

August. And, uh, stuff.

Life is staying busy at the Neal household. We are very excited about our upcoming kitchen remodel. In effort to save some money we've decided that we would do some of the work ourselves. We have never tackled any projects like this so we shall see how it all turns out. I've been doing my homework and watched a fair bit of HGTV while in Chicago. I don't know if that qualifies me to remodel our kitchen but it sure inspires me.

We are also looking forward to the opening of our church at it's new location and the start of our fall bible study. Evie keeps us busy. We occasionally catch her standing unsupported. Maybe she will be walking by her first birthday?

I've recently joined the world of facebook. If you're on, leave us a note.

Gabe starting the demolition of our kitchen. Yes, he is wearing a dress shirt and dress pants. And, yes, the shirt is pink.

Now on to more important pictures. The many faces of Evelyn as she enjoys a teething biscuit for the first time.

Pure Delight


A Full Mouth

Happiness. And two little teeth.


That's all. No more pictures please.

My what big teeth you have Evelyn!

Big teeth!? Let me check this out.

Oh no!! What happened?


Trait said...

I'm tempted to take away Gabe's Man Card for starting a kitchen remodel looking like he just stepped out of a Gap ad (with pink shirt nonetheless). However, knowing how mantastic Gabe really is, I've decided to refrain and wait to see how the kitchen actually turns out.

Anonymous said...

I was hoping you took before and after pictures. I'm proud of Gabe, at least he's trying. I just talked with your Mom and she said that y'all got the hole cut. I look forward to seeing the finished project. Looking at Evie's pictures, it's like going back in time to when Stacy was a baby. Enjoyed the updates. Love y'all, Aunt Sue